Mark was a great help with the babies. If the babies wailed in the middle of the night, he was up without any moans or groans and feeding them.
Mark and I were working really hard on taking care of the bird and hamster. We were determined to keep these pets maintained!
I even tried bonding with the bird a bit. He was very friendly!
I even got him to hop up onto my shoulder for a bit!
Mark loved the twins as if they were his own, and they loved him right back. If Mark wasn't busy with the pets, work, or me, he was with the twins, loving them to the moon and beyond.
Ripley! Not in the house! :(
For supper, Mark and I had some leftover french toast, and Ripley ate from his food bowl then fell asleep on the floor.
Another wild horse!
Seeing the wild horse reminded me- Soda briefly mentioned his horses at my wedding. I quickly got my jacket from the closet and my boots as the weather was getting pretty cold and headed to his house.
He was very happy to see me and pulled me into a big hug. The first thing I noticed walking up the path to his house?
Two horses! A mother and her foal, named Domino and Cashew.
Me: Wow! Soda, you're doing a great job raising your horses.
Soda: I actually have three- the second foal, Brandy, is really shy and hides when I have visitors. Its quite cute, actually.
Soda: Hey, ma, why don't you give ol' Domino a ride? She's real friendly.
I laughed.
Me: Son, are you sure your heads screwed on straight? I haven't ridden a horse in years!
(Random: I actually found Brandy hiding in the flowers :3)
Eventually, Soda convinced me to get on the horse.
Me: Hey there, girl. I'm just gonna saddle you up and hop on, dear..
I eventually gave up trying to get on her and fed her a treat instead.
Me: Thats a good girl.
Her foals were adorable! I cooed and cuddled with them for hours.
Soda even let me bottle feed Cashew!
And brush her!
I was about to go bottle feed Brandy, but she was already sleeping!
At home, I scooped up my baby Ripley and cuddled with him until I heard the babies yelling 'Birtay! Birtay!'
Zerra was gorgeous. Seriously, model material. She has perfect features, dark tan skin, lovely hair.. and she's only a toddler!
Russell was equally as adorable! He was bubbly and happy all the time.
Ripley had a special bond with Russell.
And with Zerra, too!
Ripley aged up, also. He was adorable and friendly, and Mark and I had decided to adopt him a mate. We investigated into a adorable dog named Lucky, who would be arriving very soon after a few phone calls.
Mark and I hadn't had a lot of alone time lately, so after a little kiss, Mark grabbed my hand, led me upstairs, and locked the door for some 'special' time together.
Ripley is always lounging on my couch! Silly boy!
That day, I also got the call that Lucky had arrived at the shelter and was being driven to our house as we speak.
Here she is! What a doll, eh?
She was SO friendly. She was attracted to the kids as soon as she arrived.
There was also this stray cat that showed up at least once a night.
Just as I finished feeding Gibson, I started showing! Baby 82, I'm comin' for ya'!
Ripley took my spot on the bed! D:
Hey.. does Lucky look.. bigger? Umm.. oh my god! Lucky is PREGNANT!
Mark was playing with Loonie, but I don't think he realized that Lucky was sleeping..
Oh well, he eventually woke him up and got him onto Mark's shoulder.
AWW! Isn't Gibson adorable?
Yeah, until he bit me.. little bugger..
Look at that big belly!
EW! Ripley, get away from that unidentified liquid on the floor..
Zerra and Russell aged up, because they were very well behaved. Zerra is just adorable!
Russell is very handsome!
Zerra just LOVES Ripley! Aww!
Creepy icecram truck alert!
Noo! Russell, it's a trap!
Not Zerra, too!
2 wild horses! XD
Aww, Lucky should be giving birth any day now..
Contractions hit and I knew the baby was coming, so I waddled up to my room, and gave birth in peace...
Well, for the most part..
And soon enough I gave birth to baby 82, Austynn Watson.. (after my best friend Austynn Skeeter)
And even Lucky gave birth! She had a little girl named Claire.
I also gave birth to baby 83, November Watson..
And baby 84, Mason Watson..
And finally, baby 85, Kelsey Watson! 15 to go :D
Thanks for reading!!
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